crossover V2 Stroller/Wagon

Award-Winning All-in-One Stroller & Wagon Combo
The Larktale crossover™ V2 is a first-of-its-kind convertible stroller/wagon. Starting as a full-featured single stroller that’s suitable for a newborn, the crossover™ V2 converts quickly and easily into a double-seater pull wagon. Parents no longer need to choose between a traditional stroller and a stroller/wagon, the crossover™ V2 truly combines both into one easy to use device without compromising on features. No tools or separate conversion kits are needed, everything is included!
The new V2 model features:
- An easier conversion between stroller and wagon modes
- A new drop-down foot well in wagon-mode
- No-rethread harnesses for easy shoulder height adjustments
- A sun canopy for the wagon-mode second seat is now included
- Fits the new crossover Push Handlebar (sold separately)
Parents will also love the extra-large sun canopy with air-flow panel and peek-a-boo window, stroller organizer, leatherette handlebar, bumper bar and snack tray, mesh cargo divider, all-wheel suspension and plenty of storage space. The crossover™ V2 folds compactly in both wagon and stroller modes.
crossover V2 Stroller/Wagon
crossover™ V2 Features & Benefits

(sold separately)

Technical Specs
Usage Range: Use from birth to 50 lbs in stroller mode. Use from 6 months up to 50 lbs per seat in wagon mode.
Newborn Options: A Car Seat Adapter is available for Maxi Cosi, Nuna, and Clek infant car seats that works in both stroller and wagon modes.
Total Weight Capacity: 120 lbs
Assembled as a Stroller: 43 x 23 x 44 inches
Assembled as Wagon: 43 x 23 x 40 inches
Folded Dimensions: 39.8 x 23 x 13 inches
Interior Chassis Dimensions: 32 x 13 inches
Handlebar Height: 40 inches
Child's Max. Head Height: 21 inches
Seat Back Height: 17 inches
Product Weight: 31.5 - 38.2 lbs (depending on rider mode & accessories in use)
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Cleaning: Spot clean or remove fabric completely to hand-wash in mild detergent. Replace fabric on frame to air dry