crossover™ Wagon-Mode Push Handlebar

Push your crossover while in Wagon-Mode
The crossover stroller/wagon already comes with a convenient pull handle, but if you'd like the option to also push your wagon from behind, look no further! This handy accessory attaches to the frame of the stroller/wagon and provides a sturdy push handlebar for use while in wagon mode.
Fits both the original crossover V1 and the new V2
- Height adjustable handlebar
- Comfortable leatherette grip
Conveniently folds with the wagon
Three attachment points provide a secure connection to your wagon
Can remain attached when the crossover is in stroller mode, no need to remove between modes
crossover Wagon-Mode Push Handlebar
Features & Benefits

Technical Specs:
Usage: Compatible only with the crossover stroller/wagon
How to Fold: You can remove the push handlebar from the wagon before folding, or adjust it to fold with the wagon in a few easy steps
Cleaning: Spot clean using a mild cleanser and a damp cloth
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